Many people are asking about implants, says general/cosmetic dentist Alex Krempa. These fantastic additions to the dental field have provided solutions to difficult problems. While there is a lot of information about implants out there, high quality information specific to your situation is best addressed by your dentist. Many types of dentists deal with implants. General dentists, Periodontists, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, and Prosthodontists are leading the way in this technology. There are two phases of implants: the placement of implants and the restoring of implants. Many dentists focus on one aspect of this treatment, however a growing number of doctors provide care in both phases of treatment. This rapidly growing field is receiving hours of research and development to provide you, the patient, with the best dental care available.
The most common reason for implants is tooth replacement. Implants are making bridges and loose dentures a thing of the past. Often times when a tooth is severely broken down, the longest lasting, and cheapest, alternative for tooth replacement is an implant. Implants look life-like and most often times are difficult to identify as an implant. They have decreased embarrassment for many patients. Implants are widely accepted and have been proved to be effective and long lasting when used properly.
Physically, an implant is made of titanium. Similar to hip implants and other metal plates used in medicine, this titanium forms a unique connection to your bones called osseintegration. This bond the titanium makes with your bone cells provides a stable foundation. Similar to hip implants used medicine, dental implants greatly increase a patient’s function. Because implants do not move, it is important to sequence implant placement into your overall oral health treatment plan. Discussing the timing of your implants with a qualified health professional is very important.
There is much fear related to the placement of an implant. However this fear is misplaced. Placement of an implant is often times a non-event—that is simple, easy, and painless. Using techniques of minimally invasive surgery, the recovery time is short. Many people can resume normal function the next day. Additionally, most people can handle the procedure by simply getting one or two injections at the site of the implant without having to be sedated or put to sleep. A gentle dentist who is caring and respectful often times will get compliments by patients such as: “I didn’t feel a thing,” “That was easy,” or “I am so glad I had this done.” Dr. Alex Krempa, a general dentist in Mobile, Alabama, finds all aspects of dental implants very rewarding.
The procedure of placing an implant is quite predictable. First, the area is anesthetized. Next a small incision or punch is made in the area of placement. The third step in the process is beginning to place an osteotomy in the implant site. This osteotomy is sequentially enlarged to match the desired implant shape. Once the bone has been manipulated to accept the implant, the implant is screwed into position often with a hand instrument. Typically a cover screw will be placed over the implant. Finally, the gum tissue is stitched closed and healing begins! Once the area has had a proper chance to heal, the implant can be used to replace one tooth or multiple teeth. An implant in this way acts like a stud, allowing a dentist to hang a number of tooth replacement options. This procedure can be accomplished rather quickly in the properly planned case.
Alex Krempa, D.M.D.
6350 Airport Blvd.
Mobile, Alabama 36608
(251) 344-0230